Eid Al Adha in UAE will be celebrated on Sunday 11th August 2019. The crescent of the last month of Islamic calendar Dhul Hijjah 1440 has been sighted today Thursday evening 1st August 2019. The first day of Dhul Hijjah 1440 will be on Friday 2nd August 2019. The Arafat Day (The day of Hajj, a day before Eid) will be on 9th Dhul Hijjah 1440 and Eid Al Adha in UAE will be celebrated on 10th 11th and 12th of the Islamic month, which will be on 11th, 12th and 13th August 2019 respectively.
As per The Federal Authority for Government Human Resources, Holidays of Eid Al Adha 2019 in UAE will be four days for the private and public sector.
Eid Al Adha is celebrated by 1.6 billion Muslims across the world on the 10th of Islamic month Dhul Hijjah, the last month of the Hijri/ Islamic calendar. The months of the Hijri/ Islamic calendar are calculated on the basis of moon sight.
To the command of Allah prophet Ibrahim (PBUH) took his son Ismail (PBUH) for the sacrifice, but Allah provided a Lamb to sacrifice before Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH) could sacrifice his son. Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH) had shown his love and submission to Allah’s command, pleased Allah very much. Muslims commemorate this ultimate act of sacrifice every year on Eid Al Adha or the “Festival of the Sacrifice. While prophet Ibrahim (PBUH) was prepared for the ultimate sacrifice, but ultimately Allah prevented the sacrifice. Muslims who can afford it sacrifices the best domestic animal as a symbol of Prophet Ibrahim’s (PBUH) willingness to the ultimate sacrifice. An animal sacrificed is divided among three parts: one is shared among poor and needy, the second is for the home and the third among relatives and friends.