National Day: Here’s how to get free 47GB data in UAE

Get 47GB free data for UAE National Day. Here’s how

We are just days away from the 47th UAE National Day, network provider Etisalat is providing free data to its customers.

Starting from December 1, 2018, Emirati customers will get 47GB free data, valid for two days. The free plan will end on December 3, 2018.

To activate the plan, customers need to dial *47# from their handsets and avail the free data.


بدءًا من 1 ديسمبر واحتفالًا بـ #اليوم_الوطني47 ، نهدي عملاءنا الإماراتيين 47GB من البيانات للتواصل الإجتماعي لتفعيل العرض اطلب *47# #47Together